Airport hangars do not exactly have addresses so some directions are in order. The following was created using Google Maps, your milage may vary with other services.
Do a search for “Cloud Chasers Skydiving”. Now click on Directions or Start. This will cause Google Maps to ping our building. When you get close you should see something like the picture below. The Red ping is where you are trying to get to, however Google is not spot on about how to get there.
The first thing that trips some people up is the big yellow barricade in the middle of the road, and the near by signs that say “airport traffic only”. You are here as a guest of Cloud Chasers Skydiving so you are airport traffic. Drive around the barricade and keep going.
At some point your GPS is going to play out and tell you to park and walk. About 500 feet before that happens, Turn left onto the gravel drive. This drive is not shown on any GPS so you have to look for it. The Red & White tower on the Right is a good land mark. Turn left BEFORE you get to the tower.
Follow the gravel drive to its end then park at the fence in the grass. From there you can walk to our Hangar. WATCH FOR AIRPLANES, they are very dangerous and expensive. The next picture is what your driving directions would look like in a perfect world. I have asked Google to update this for us, but they have bigger things to do.
The next picture shows a basic layout of what to expect when you get here. When parking, pull up fairly close the fence to allow airplanes with their wide spread wings to pass behind your car. Did you catch that, THERE MAY BE MOVING AIRCRAFT NEAR BY. Please be careful, you are on an active airport. The airport is publicly owned but this IS NOT public space. You are here as a guest and asked to please not roam around. Once parked, make your way to Check In (or a restroom if needed first, they are marked on the picture below).
When on an airport, AIRPLANES HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY. Do not walk in front of them. Do not drive in front of them. It is not your turn, your turn is LAST. Let the airplane go then you can go.
Drive Safe, Be safe, and Jump From Airplanes !! See You Soon !!