Weight Limits and Policy
Like most any extreme sport, there are weight limits to skydiving. While you do not need to read this entire page, please be sure to read the information in each weight range that applies to any jumper in your group. After going through the information below, if you have any questions or concerns at all, please give us a call.
We discreetly weigh everyone for proper weight and balance of the aircraft. Having properly reported weights in advance of each jumper helps us properly prepare for our day of jumping. All weights are in reference to being fully clothed with shoes and prior to being geared up for ones jump.
The situations listed below are rare. However, having a written policy just maintains a good understanding for all parties involved.
An instructor always has the right to refuse service due to any safety concern. Regardless of weight, certain body types are hard or impossible to properly harness. This is obviously a safety concern.
In the event of an instructor refusing to jump with someone within our weight limits and who honestly reported their weight, a full refund will be issued for any payments made for this person.
Failure to accurately report your weight can cause a delay in your jump time or in extreme circumstances you may not be able to jump that at all. This will not be grounds for a refund.
You are likely smaller than our harnesses will safely adjust to. However we would still be very interested in helping to get you on a skydive. Please give us a call so we can go over some details.
No concern here. We would still appreciate you reporting your accurate weight when booking as this helps us prepare for our day.
No concerns here. Please be sure to report accurate weights in this range when booking. Especially if a group of two is both in this range.
We can normally make this work however there are a few key points to consider to please read the following carefully.
Many DropZones will not even offer you a jump so please bear with us here. We do charge a fee for this service ranging from $15 - $50 depending on your actual weight.
We take up 2 tandem jumpers per flight and we prefer the combined weight of the two passengers to be under 400 lbs.
We are normally fine with a flight of 2 tandems with a combined passenger weight of 401 - 430 but it is necessary to know this in advance. Be sure to include accurate weights of each jumper when booking and/or include any notes to help us be properly informed.
For a flight of 2 tandems with a combined weight over 430 lbs we will likely need to split you up into two flights. If you have a larger group, consider re organizing and sending up one of your heavier passengers with one of your lighter.
If you cannot organize your jumpers so that each flight has a combined passenger weight of less than 430 lbs, consider booking for 1 seat each on separate flights. Please be as accurate as possible on your reported weight and we will pair you with another odd number or fly the flight with just you and your instructor.
If you are a group of 1 or the odd number to a larger group, feel free to book just please be as accurate as possible on your reported weight and we will pair you with another odd number or fly the flight with just you and your instructor.
Failure to accurately report your weight can cause a delay in your jump time or in extreme circumstances you may not be able to jump that day at all. This will not be grounds for a refund. We do of course allow for a few pounds differential between your scales and ours. If you are right on that 250 lb limit and concerned, please give us a call.
Cloud Chasers Skydiving has a hard limit of 250 lbs. However there is still hope. Larger DropZones have larger aircraft making it easier for larger people to get into, and more importantly out of. They also have more instructors working for them. This increases the odds that they have a smaller highly experienced instructor to pair you with and still remain under the max supported weight limit of the parachute. There are no such DropZones in Louisiana but it is worth the drive. Below are the nearest DropZones that might be able to help. Check them out and give them a call with your specifics before committing to the trip.